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Hi there, welcome to and my corner of them internets. Now, logic would state you’ve scrolled down to know a little bit more about me and my business. So allow me to explain a little bit about me...

I’ve started this copywriting service to fulfill a couple of goals. The first and main one if I’m being honest, is to help SMBs get their name out there through the medium of thoughtful, vibrant and rich content. I’ve always had a love of words but it was always a bit scattergun until I sauntered off to uni 3 years ago, the degree in Print Journalism I got from Nottingham Trent acted as a funnel that tightened and honed my writing to make it suitable to a public aud


Now I feel that the time is right for me to use my skills for good (as opposed to what I was doing at uni, spending far too long in Weatherspoons enjoying the ‘Monday Club’ - if you know what that is then you’re just as bad as me so don’t judge) and help people who want to take their business to the next level.

This is already something I am doing. I was incredibly grateful to be gifted the opportunity to fire up a brand new marketing department for a genuinely fantastic new finance company - Love Finance. Jack and the team wanted me to help get their name out there and so far it's going great, you can read more about my work with Love Finance here.


I’m a firm believer that business, in particular small businesses, is about communicating in a normal, human non bullshitty way. So, if businesses have a message and content that reflects the people behind the scenes then the chances of ‘success’ (we can discuss the parameters of what that means later) are greatly increased.


The second goal of mine is to do with men's fashion, I’ve always loved clothes and looking into how men dress, in fact, my final year dissertation was on the Modern Dandy. I also think there isn’t enough male bloggers out there who are talking about fashion in just a normal way. I want to develop a space that features looks I’m really into and posts about things that interest me, and hopefully, you, like music reviews, think pieces and discussion with normal blokes who want to look good but don't want to have to work to hard for it.


Like what you hear? Great. Well watch this space cos this space is set to aggressively expand and I’d love you to come along for the ride!

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