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Are You Using Direct Mail? If You’re Serious About Success, You Should Be.

Most of our day to day activities at work are done on swanky computers or tablets, including the way we communicate with co workers, companies and, most importantly, potential clients.

E-mail is ingrained into everything we do, so much so we don’t even think about it, or potential alternatives. In today’s electronic world, what alternatives work? It may surprise you then to find that using direct mail as part of your sales approach can be extremely effective.

Using direct mail can help your web presence. A nice soft touch approach can gently nudge potential clients the way of your website.

Direct mail is bigger, better and more innovative than past incarnations and you should be thinking about using it.


Not convinced? Take a look at these stats, they might come as a shock but I think you’ll find yourself relating to them.

  • The response rate for direct mail stands at 4.4%, which admittedly doesn’t sound a lot, but compare that with 0.12% rate when it comes to email and all of a sudden direct mail sounds like a gold rush.

  • 67% of people’s online searches are driven by printed marketing.

  • 2/3rds of standard mail is read or looked at.

To the point; the benefits of going direct

Are you an SME business or a new company looking to get your name out there? If so, sending emails and online paraphernalia can get lost in the void. I liken it to basically shouting into the dark and hoping you get some sort of response. The beauty of choosing direct mail is that you know the recipient is going to open the letter that you send them, and if the content inside it is good, you’re going to hook the reader in, creating a far greater impact than any email. Think of it like a newspaper, if you buy a paper you tend to judge what you’re going to read based on the headline, if that’s good, the chances of you continuing to read are high. We like it so much that we, at Love Finance, actually have done that in the past, we found that having engaging copy alongside our logo in a physical letter was a better and more fulfilling way of getting our name out there.

Direct mail is tangible, it’s a physical item that has to be picked up, opened, read as opposed to just clicked and sent to the trash bin. Direct mail can create a physical bond with the recipient. As well as this, it is more flexible and adaptable, direct mail can include things like USB sticks, memo pads or pens. Yes, you offer something but more importantly, by bulking out the letter you ignite a touch of curiosity into the reader’s head (like when you shook the envelope on your 14th birthday to see if it had any money from your Auntie in).

With direct mail, you can quickly and cheaply make sure your content is specifically targeted to, not just companies, but individuals within the company. This gives off the impression that you’re merely trying to build a relationship as opposed to aggressively trying to sell someone something with a shouty marketing email, write it and think of it as an invitation. This saves you time as well, as you know can streamline your approach when contacting people down to a number that suits you and saves you money – vital if you’re an SME who wants to get their name out there whilst keeping costs low.

So next time, at your marketing meeting, why not mention the idea of direct mail and show them the clear and present benefits of going the extra mile to add that personal touch.

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